Excellence and Expertise — Guaranteed

We create crystal clear technology solutions which increase self-sufficiency today ... and for years to come.

Vintage Automobile


We offer technology consulting services designed with your business needs and goals in mind. Regardless of your project's stage, our experts take an objective view of your business and technology needs; and this allows us to provide comprehensive and easy-to-understand solutions to increase efficiencies and maximize returns.


You're in the best position to build an exceptional foundation. Our experts will listen to your immediate and long-term goals, and provide a roadmap of growth that you can follow. Even better, we'll help you sift through the technologies available in the market and guide you in application and vendor selection. With our help, you can build your technology the right way to start — one that is cost effective and scalable so you can minimize contingent spending in the future.

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Information and time are your most valuable assets and we will work to provide you clarity, allowing you to make effective and informed decisions quickly. Our experts will analyze the technology, documentation, performance, and market competitiveness of the project you're working on, and provide objective feedback on its real viability and value. With the help of IS2 Consulting, you'll know exactly what you need to know - and the right questions to ask.

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Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

If your business has plateaued or is blocked because of your tech stack, IS2 Consulting will conduct a holistic audit of your current technologies and related processes to identify the root of your problems. Our experts will provide objective assessments of the alignment between your technology and your organization's goals, and provide actionable steps to guarantee that your technology consistently aligns with your business goals so you can achieve predictable scalability.

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The bigger the organization, the more critical the seamless utilization of technology. This is where we come in.  IS2 has real-world experience streamlining and standardizing processes that has helped Fortune 1,000 companies maximize efficiencies. Our experts will conduct a thorough audit of your tech systems and report back in a way to bridge communication issues between tech teams, C-suite execs, and the board. We help you achieve the clarity you need to make decisions that have measurable impact on your bottom line.

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A trusted advisor ​on technological transformation.

Golfer and Caddie Discussing Strategy

...always delivers as promised...

"Kevin is one of of my most trusted technology partners. We've worked on several development projects, assessments and technology centric initiatives together over the past 13 years. I've always respected Kevin as a person and technologist. He is a very personable guy with an outstanding work ethic, easy going personality and penchant for learning new things and exploring concepts and ideas outside the bounds of his normal purview. He is a no-nonsense person that is easy to work with, always delivers as promised..."

— Christian L., CTO, Technology Leader for Fortune 500 companies

Technology is critical to your growth. Are you leveraging it properly to unlock your full potential?

Tell us what's happening in your business.


Not a transactional "quick fix" but a long-term technological solution.


We make sure that your profit doesn’t get left behind when your organization grows. No matter how fast or steep you scale, you can be sure you’ll have the tech infrastructure and digital systems needed to handle the operational demands of your organization. With our help, you can unlock an unlimited potential for business growth.


We facilitate the technological change to position your company for sustainable growth. The future is digital, so it just makes sense to leverage technology to continuously drive your business profitability. Knowing that your systems are designed to meet your vision today, tomorrow, and the next century brings you the peace of mind you deserve.


Our sharp eye for identifying problems in systems and putting together disparate bits of information allows us to design strategies that dramatically increase efficiency. Couple this with our ability to architect software and systems and we will remove friction in your processes, significantly improve current operations, and better position you to drive profitability.


Our 30-plus years of experience in management consulting and software development makes us an excellent intermediary between business and technology. Our team helps you not just achieve technological transformation but also provides seamless communication with your C-suite executives. We’d be glad to be with you in the room where it happens.


We have successfully helped more than 200 organizations across different industries maximize their use of technology.