Privacy Policy

IS2 Consulting respects the privacy of the individuals and organizations using our site.

For this reason, we have created the following privacy policy for the benefit of our clients and visitors.

What We Do

To improve the quality of our site, we may collect non-identifying, non-personal tracking data including the time and duration of site visits, pages viewed, searches requested, referring sites and ISP name (e.g. Yahoo or Google). We also provide opportunities, such as on our Contact Us page, where visitors may voluntarily submit information about themselves, their organizations and their technology needs. This information is used only within IS2 Consulting, to help us provide timely and topical responses.

What We Don't Do

We will not share visitor information with any outside business or individual without permission. Besides for generic Google Analytics, we don't use "cookies" or "session variables" to track individual users on our site. We do not sell or rent our client or subscription lists to any other business or individuals. We respect the confidentiality of all inquiries. Please note that our site is not designed or intended for visitors under the age of 18. Please do not provide any personal information if you are under 18. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted here. For questions, please contact us.