Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

We’ll make sure your process grows with your business.

Understand the health of your tech stack and process.


We’ll help you understand the health of your current tech stack, how it’s being used, and how it interacts with your business. By conducting holistic assessments, our experts provide an objective audit of your technology systems and their related operational processes, leaving no stone unturned.

IS2 Consulting will then identify gaps and risks, and present solutions to problems you may already know - and those you may not. This puts you in a position of power knowing actions to impact change and improve your bottom line.

Identify the building blocks needed for sustainable growth.


Our consultants are big-picture thinkers and they will work with you and your existing systems to architect the next set of building blocks your business needs to grow. IS2 Consulting will provide recommendations on actionable steps, tools on how to measure impact, and provide guidance to your tech team to ensure optimal implementation.

As part of the process, we will equip your C-suite executives with the knowledge they need to make optimal decisions. Our goal is to help you continue to walk a path that is technologically right for you and to equip you and your team to be self-sustaining through the finish line.

Architect technology that supports your business.


One of the most common challenges we've seen SMEs experience is a misalignment of vision and execution. As a business grows, technology solutions are often implemented in silos, and over time, these silos lose touch with the big picture goals.

Our experts have extensive knowledge of the market and can help you identify the right tools to fit the current and future business vision. In some cases existing tools remain in place and connectivity is architected to create a more sustainable and measurable technology infrastructure. In all cases, our review and analysis will help keep the business focused on its vision and strategic plan.

Clients like you

Our team has a track record of growing companies we’ve helped realize their full potential.